Monday, July 6, 2009


Spin me faster!

Catchin' some rays.

Ahhh...this is the life!

Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's

Reading a book on my own.

Riding my puppy!

I think I'm ready to water ski now.

Fun with Grandpa

Clowning Around

Grandpa Doug and I

Can I take a picture?

This is hard work!

What's on my head?

Ring Around the Rosie

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hey kid, come here!

This is awesome!

Daddy and me in the rainforest.

Running around the rainforest.


Petting a goat.

Wow look at this!

The carosel.

Riding the train!

Where are we going?

Gage park and the zoo

How do I look?

Riding a bear!

Choo choo.

Mommy and me in front of the elephants.

Daddy and Me.